About the programme

Presentation of the programme

The Startup Plus programme, implemented by the Slovene Enterprise Fund, brings together all the key support needed by innovative start-up enterprises for fast global growth. In addition to the financial incentives of the Fund (grants, convertible loans, equity investing), also an intensive mentoring programme and training in several different quality and specialized substantive support programmes is included.

Financial incentives

  • P2 – 54.000 EUR
  • SK75 – 75.000 EUR
  • SI-SK – from 100.000 to 600.000 EUR

Mentoring programme

  • 120+ high-quality mentors

10+ Training programmes

  • Connecting with corporations, internationalisation, acceleration programmes…

This combination of financial incentives and substantive support (the so-called twin concept), following the examples of best foreign practices, helps reduce the business failure rate, accelerate growth (increase revenues through market share) and employment, increases value added and improves the functioning of the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem.
By providing a combination of substantive support, the Slovene Enterprise Fund pursues the goal of optimal use of public resources and promotes the growth and development of Slovenian innovative entrepreneurship. In this context, the substantive support is designed to complement and upgrade the existing support environment offering (SPOT, SIO and other offers) based on specialization, while actively connecting key ecosystem players.

The Startup Plus programme is co-financed by the Slovene Enterprise Fund and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. It is implemented based on the programme Substantive support for recipients of financial resources (SMEs) from 2018 to 2023 within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014 – 2020.

Purpose and objectives of the programme

The main objective of the substantive support for the Startup Plus programme is to increase and improve the impact of the Fund’s financial incentives intended for enterprises in the early stage (P2, SK75, co-investment). The improved effects are reflected in form of higher survival rates and faster international growth for start-ups, which contribute to a more competitive economy, new quality jobs, higher value added per employee and other socio-economic benefits.

  • Increase in Total entrepreneurial activity index (TEA index)
  • Number of fast growing enterprises

The programme systematically addresses some of the deficiencies of the Slovenian economy and actively contributes to achieving the goals, set in the strategic and development documents of Slovenia (Slovenia’s Development Strategy, Partnership agreement, Operational Programme, Smart specialization and others), including:

  1. The entrepreneurial activity in Slovenia indicates a large gap between the beginning of entrepreneurial activity and the actual entrepreneurial activity (starting a business and persisting in the entrepreneurial path) recorded by the TEA index. This gap is currently one of the largest untapped entrepreneurial potentials in Slovenia.
  2. There is a lack of programmes that systematically address the entire enterprise growth cycle (technological and business), include comprehensive support (financial incentives and substantive support), are long-term oriented, predictable and stable and prevent the departure of the best innovative start-ups abroad (to foreign accelerators).
  3. Slovenia has a significantly greater potential for the emergence and growth of innovative start-ups and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are export-oriented, generate high value added, and are an active employer. The potential is at least twice as great.
  4. Labour productivity (value added per employee) is well below the European average and one of the main challenges of the Slovenian economy. Low value added comes from low innovation activity, organizational inefficiency and lack of supportive environment.
  5. The main obstacles for early entrepreneurship development and SME growth are the lack of availability of various financial resources, the lack of quality education and training, as well as some cultural and social norms, unfavourable toward entrepreneurship.

The Startup Plus programme addresses these five challenges. Within the framework of the programme at least 250 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will receive substantive support (non-financial support) in the form of training, mentoring, networking and other forms of “soft” support.

Slovene Enterprise Fund

The Slovene Enterprise Fund (hereinafter the Fund or SEF) is a specialized financial institution with effective financial and substantive incentives for micro, small and medium-sized start-ups and fast-growing enterprises.

Through its activities, the SEF fills the financial gaps and, together with its financial partners, not only improves access, but also the conditions, that SMEs must meet in obtaining financial resources for development and growth as well as entering increasingly demanding and specialized markets. Due to the successful multiplication of public resources for financial support for SMEs through successful and controlled management of public resources, the SEF attracts other banking and private resources into SME financing lines.

At the same time through financial incentives, the SEF also helps to shape the Slovenian start-up ecosystem, connects various business networks and advisory institutions, thus upgrading financial support with substantive support, such as various professional services, information, training and networking for enterprises. In doing so, it represents the goals of the European Commission to promote entrepreneurship, R&D growth and employment.

Through various forms of financial and substantive incentives, the SEF strengthens the growth and development of Slovenian SMEs in all phases of development, from start-up to market entry, global growth and ongoing business operations or the maturity stages. According to SEF, SMEs are given easier, cheaper and faster access to affordable financial resources in the market and rich substantive support.


Small Value Incentives through Vouchers

In 2019, the SEF introduced a Small value incentives programme for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises – the so-called Vouchers. SMEs are thus given a significantly simplified access to co-financing of individual services, which will help them to strengthen their competitiveness and competences.

Vouchers allow enterprises to easily and quickly receive 60% co-financing or a grant up to max. 9,999 EUR per voucher for various content. The total amount of vouchers that can be used by SMEs is a maximum of 30,000 EUR per year. SEF publishes public tenders for vouchers gradually on its website and in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

Below is a list of selected companies that have received financial incentives P2, SK or SI-SK from the Slovene Enterprise Fund and are eligible to participate in mentoring and other training programmes:

Supported enterprises


Pametni digitalni vodič za slepe in slabovidne, ki jim bo pomagal varno priti od točke A do točke B.


White-label platforma, ki ponudnikom športnih prenosov omogoča bolj interaktivno in atraktivno spremljanje njihovih prenosov.


Pameten namiznoteniški lopar s senzorjem, mobilno aplikacijo in spletno platformo.


Spletna platforma, ki povezuje posameznike in podjetnike z izbranimi odvetniki.

All of the supported enterprises

About Slovene Enterprise Fund (SEF)

Public Fund of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship
Short name: Slovene Enterprise Fund
Ulica kneza Koclja 22
2000 Maribor

Contacts of the Slovene Enterprise Fund

  • Phone: 00386 2234 12 60
  • Fax: 00386 2234 12 82
  • E-mail: info@podjetniskisklad.si
  • Website: www.podjetniskisklad.si
  • Website of the programme: www.podjetniskisklad.si/startupplus
