


Enterprises which received a financial incentive (P2, SI-SK, SK75) from the SEF

Startup clinic

elimination of critical risk of start-ups

The Startup Clinic with the best consultants in individual business functions helps entrepreneurs to solve the most difficult business problems and professionalize their business.

The selected experts from different business areas and in active cooperation, individually with the entrepreneurial team help to eliminate the critical developmental barriers of start-up enterprises and contribute to a significantly higher level of professional activity.

The goal of the Startup Clinic is to enable start-ups a better market performance and differentiation from competitors, and indirectly increase the enterprise´s turnover.

Areas of Startup Clinic

The Startup Clinic experts help entrepreneurs with specific business problems or with professionalization of their business, which relates to the following business functions:

  • organization of business processes,
  • effective sales and marketing,
  • business finance (planning, working capital, key performance indicators, analytics, calculations, economics),
  • legal and intellectual property protection,
  • talent management,
  • assistance in obtaining additional funding.

To help start-up enterprises, the Startup Clinic has a network of in-house professionals, specialists in individual business functions, with extensive experience. A start-up can also consult with a number of different consultants if faced with several minor challenges.

The work of the Startup Clinic is designed so that start-ups can immediately put their knowledge into practice. Consultants also help with contacts from their social network that could help start-ups progress faster.

How the Startup Clinic works

The Startup Clinic operates through a pre-structured and proven process:

  • introductory meeting – it assesses the situation and identifies the specific needs of the enterprise,
  • seven advisory meetings (two hours each) according to the prepared work plan,
  • preparation of an analysis of the results achieved.

Working with the Start-up Clinic experts can be done via videoconference, on-premises or in the field and is flexible. It is recommended that the enterprise involve entrepreneurs and key personnel in the collaboration, who are most influential in the organization and have a thorough knowledge of the operations of the start-up.
